
They say it takes just a laptop and a curious mind to be a copywriter, and while I appreciate the whimsy, I’d argue it’s a lot more than that.

As a worldly marketer of ten years plus, I have extensive education and investment under my belt. The desire to help, and share my experiences, and the constant need to learn, fuels my inner copywriter. 

Curiosity is named so, not just to be cute. Being curious is fundamental to understanding the clients I work with and the markets I write for. Then, understanding strategy, audiences, demand and supply, and ultimately WHY people do and say the things they do (psychology for short) are what works with the laptop and the curious mind to make a writer of me.

I’m a mother, sister, wife and friend that despite being in my late thirties, still remembers the nineties being ten years ago (we can only wish!). 

With an arid sense of humour, I can give as good as I get and readily welcome reciprocation with open arms. 

I have a million interests that are in danger of making this sound like a Hinge profile, and I’ve curiosity to thank for that. Music (house, disco, rap, The Beach Boys, metal…), sports (skate, BMX, UFC, NBA…), food (feed me BBQ and all work FOC*), movies, documentaries, books, marketing, design, SEN, cast lists of every TV series and film we’ve ever watched and their entire backstories *breathe*…hit me with it all.

But why does any of this benefit you?

You need so much more than words on a page to reach your audience, deliver the goods, and compel and convert them to buy your product or services. And yes, you can have a go yourself, but it isn’t easy and so often doesn’t work, and that’s totally ok! 

I am in the business of taking that stress away. 

In the technical sense, I’m a generalist – nicheless. And this isn’t a bad thing. My incessant need to KNOW and research and understand means I have the ability and luxury to work with a plethora of industries. My ‘niche’, if you will, is that I am a marketer in heart and mind. I understand what you need and why. And, if you don’t know that yet, I can help you get there, whether you are a blue chip corporation or a wildlife photographer from the Midlands (worked with both – absolute dreams to do so!). 

Helping you find your voice and show up in your market is my jam. So invest in your story, and work with me to tell it in the most creative, captivating, and engaging way.

If you like what you see, let’s talk. I can’t wait to meet you!


You can also find me on LinkedIn and Instagram – connect and say hi!

*the BBQ thing? Yea – this is a lie. However, it will stand you in good stead, and I will share…a bit.

Let’s drive more customers to your products and services with quality copy and actionable strategy.